Yams From Outer Space at Blue 5 Restaurant on 12/31/09

This should indeed be a good time.  I quote the venue’s website…”This is going to be an extremely fun night and a great way to send out 2009 and welcome 2010! Come and eat dinner and enjoy our award-winning food, then hang out with us as we bring in the New Year the right way […]

Yams are preheated and ready to COOK!

We need your help. See, this here band we know…called Yams From Outer Space (yeah, we know, doesn’t exactly roll right off the tongue) are playing TOMORROW, Saturday August 8rd in Blacksburg at Steppin’ Out, THEN straight to Champs for the late-night fro down. Here’s where the favor comes in…we need you to: 1. Show […]